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Lead &Thrive Leadership Coaching (virtual)

Coach: Select a coach Language: English, Hungarian, Lithuanian,
Languages: English, Lithuanian, Hungarian

In a realm where the dynamics of leadership constantly evolve, anchoring your unique leadership signature and personal well-being is paramount. Introducing "Lead & Thrive", a meticulously crafted leadership coaching service spanned across 4 to 8 months, tailored for individuals poised to transcend conventional boundaries.


Here's what the Lead & Thrive journey encapsulates:

Preliminary Assessment:
Kickstart your coaching journey with a robust assessment utilizing Lumina Spark, Lumina Emotion, or Lumina Leader 360 or Leadership Circle Profile™ ME. These diagnostic tools will be handpicked to resonate with your aspirations, paving the path towards recognizing your coaching outcomes and aligning your personal and professional trajectory.

Interactive Coaching Sessions:
Embark on a series of seven enriching 90-minute face-to-face sessions, each one a stepping stone towards your envisioned milestones. The inaugural session is dedicated to crystallizing your desired outcomes.
Each session thereafter is meticulously tailored to resonate with the objectives you choose, rendering a canvas for our bi-weekly or monthly one-on-one coaching dialogues. These sessions are sculpted to dovetail with your schedule and evolving needs, offering a confluence of reflection, strategizing, and action.
Every meeting is an expedition into the core issues and pertinent facets of both your professional realm and personal demeanor. In this collaborative venture, we invite you to steer the agenda, choosing the focus that most aligns with your aspirations and the contextual needs of your leadership journey.

Guided Reflection and Journaling:
Engage in a guided reflection and journaling experience, coupled with brief yet insightful check-ins with your coach via WRX. This self-exploratory phase is the crucible where your insights become actionable wisdom.

Post-Program Support:
Ongoing support post-completion is available to ensure sustained progress and application of learned skills, should you need it.


• Personalized Growth Pathway: The program is tailored to meet your unique leadership challenges and goals, ensuring a personalized developmental journey.
• Enhanced Leadership Competencies: Develop key leadership skills like strategic thinking, decision-making, conflict resolution, and effective communication, which are critical for success in leadership roles.
• Improved Emotional Intelligence: Gain a deeper understanding of your emotional responses and learn how to manage and leverage emotions in a way that enhances your leadership effectiveness.
• Boosted Self-Awareness: Through rigorous assessments and reflective practices, increase self-awareness about your strengths, areas of development, and the impacts of your actions and decisions.
• Increased Resilience: Learn strategies to manage stress, adapt to change, and navigate the complexities of modern organizational landscapes.
• Better Work-Life Integration: Work on aligning your professional responsibilities with personal wellbeing and values, leading to a balanced and fulfilling work-life integration.
• Optimized Performance: Through focused coaching, improve your performance, and by extension, the performance of your team and organization.
• Improved Employee Engagement: Learn techniques to foster a positive, engaging, and productive work environment for your team.
• Clarified Vision and Goals: Work on clarifying and articulating your professional vision and goals, setting a clear direction for your future.
• Access to Cutting-Edge Resources: Stay updated with the latest leadership theories, models, and resources to support your ongoing development.
• Sustainable Development: Equip yourself with the tools and strategies to continue your development beyond the coaching engagement, ensuring sustainable growth.
• Application of Learned Skills:The program’s structure allows for the real-time application and practice of learned skills in your professional environment, promoting practical learning and growth.

The "Lead & Thrive" Leadership Coaching engagement provides a comprehensive platform for current and aspiring leaders to evolve both personally and professionally, unlocking higher levels of effectiveness, satisfaction, and overall career success.

Our Coaching Philosophy

At the heart of this coaching service is a profound belief in the transformative power of coaching, a belief rooted in empirical evidence and our personal journey with coaching. We are avid proponents of continuous self-evolution, mirroring the principles of coaching in every sphere of our lives.
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) eloquently articulates the bounties of professional coaching as a conduit to a fresher perspective on personal challenges, heightened decision-making acumen, enriched interpersonal effectiveness, and bolstered self-confidence. And the ripple effect? A noticeable surge in productivity, work and life satisfaction, and the fulfillment of pertinent goals.

Our promise:

We extend a blend of unbiased, yet nurturing camaraderie, insightful reflections, cutting-edge information, catalytic interventions, and a dash of Devil’s advocacy. This partnership is about embarking on a daring venture, tackling challenges head-on, and nurturing a learning environment that's as enjoyable as it is enlightening.

Your Takeaway:
The Lead & Thrive coaching journey is aimed at refining your creativity, strategic and emotional intelligence, increasing self-awareness, honing your cognitive aptitude, and fostering systemic and strategic problem-solving skills. The resultant transformation reverberates through enhanced performance, better outcomes, an invigorated team spirit, cultivated self-assuredness, and an unyielding belief in your prowess.

Lead & Thrive is more than a coaching engagement; it's where your leadership narrative can take a turn…
2 400,00€

Personal and Professional Development Coaching

Coach: Select a coach Language: English, Hungarian, Lithuanian,
Languages: English, Lithuanian

• a 6-8 months engagement

• Eight 90-minute meetings, interspersed with written reflections based on your needs, carried out on the WRX platform. If you choose, you can share your insights, progress, and dilemmas with me. I will then provide my observations, recognitions, encouragements, and queries to further enrich your coaching experience.

This is a long-term transformational coaching program, meticulously designed to expedite personal and/or professional development in a topic or area of your choice. As your coach, I am devoted to helping you know and understand yourself, the correlation between your habitual thought patterns, your behaviors, and most importantly, how you aspire to grow and transform. My approach highlights your strengths and leverages both internal and external resources to foster creativity and self-confidence, stimulate fresh perspectives, and provide clarity for your path forward.

Each session addresses pertinent issues and focuses on aspects related to your work and personal traits, all aimed at enabling you to make significant progress and accomplish your envisioned objectives.

I believe that coaching is one of the best ways you can develop personally and professionally. This is backed up by our own experience and further evidence from research. We ourselves participate in regular coaching immersion and the tenets of coaching underpin all aspects of our lives.

“Professional coaching brings many wonderful benefits: fresh perspectives on personal challenges, enhanced decision-making skills, greater interpersonal effectiveness, and increased confidence. Those who undertake coaching can also expect appreciable improvement in productivity, satisfaction with life and work, and the attainment of relevant goals.” (ICF)

As your coach I offer:
an unbiased yet supportive sounding board, reflection, insight, cutting-edge well-researched information, catalytic interventions, Devil’s advocacy, motivation, daring, challenge a trustworthy, caring and on-going partnership, enjoyable learning contexts, serious fun.

Through working with me you will develop/achieve:
enhanced creativity, strategic intelligence, emotional intelligence, increased awareness, insight, cognitive ability, systemic and strategic problem solving, better performance, better results, more engaged employees, prowess, and self-belief.

Kalbos: anglų, lietuvių

• 6-8 mėnesių įsipareigojimas

• Aštuonios po 90 minučių sesijos, papildomos rašytiniais apmąstymais, atsižvelgiant į jūsų poreikius, vykdomos WRX platformoje. Jeigu norite, galite pasidalinti savo įžvalgomis, pažanga ir iššūkiais. Mes, savo ruožtu, pateiksime savo pastebėjimus, pripažinimus, paskatinimus ir užduosime klausimus, siekdamas praturtinti jūsų kounčingo patirtį.

Tai ilgalaikė transformacinė koučingo programa, kruopščiai parengta siekiant paspartinti asmeninį ir (arba) profesinį tobulėjimą jūsų pasirinkta tema ar pasirinktoje srityje. Būdami jūsų kouču siekiame padėti jums pažinti ir suprasti save, ryšį tarp jūsų įprastų mąstymo modelių, jūsų elgesio ir, svarbiausia, kaip jūs siekiate augti ir transformuotis. Mūsų naudojami metodai išryškina jūsų stipriąsias savybes ir pasitelkia tiek vidinius, tiek išorinius išteklius, kad skatintų kūrybiškumą ir pasitikėjimą savimi, naujas perspektyvas ir suteiktų aiškumo jūsų tolesniam keliui.

Kiekviename susitikime bus sprendžiami jums aktualūs klausimai, daugiausia dėmesio skiriama su jūsų darbu ir asmeninėmis savybėmis susijusiems aspektams, kad galėtumėte padaryti didelę pažangą ir pasiekti numatytus tikslus.

Tikime, kad koučingas yra vienas geriausių būdų tobulėti asmeniškai ir profesiškai. Tai patvirtina mūsų pačių patirtis ir kiti mokslinių tyrimų duomenys. Mes patys reguliariai dalyvaujame koučingo sesijose, o koučingo principais grindžiame visus savo gyvenimo aspektus.

"Profesionalus koučingas duoda daug naudos: naują požiūrį į asmeninius iššūkius, geresnius sprendimų priėmimo įgūdžius, didesnį tarpasmeninio bendradarbiavimo efektyvumą ir didesnį pasitikėjimą savimi. Tie, kurie imasi koučingo, taip pat gali tikėtis pastebimo produktyvumo padidėjimo, pasitenkinimo gyvenimu ir darbu bei atitinkamų tikslų pasiekimo." (ICF)

Kaip jūsų koučai siūlome:
nešališką, bet palaikančia refleksiją, apmąstymus, įžvalgas, naujausią ir patikrintą informaciją, katalizuojančias intervencijas, "velnio advokatą", motyvaciją, drąsą, iššūkius, patikimą, rūpestingą ir nuolatinę partnerystę, malonų mokymosi kontekstą, rimtą pramogą.

Bendradarbiaudami su mumis jūs išvystysite ir (arba) pasieksite:
didesnį kūrybiškumą, strateginį intelektą, emocinį intelektą, didesnį sąmoningumą, įžvalgumą, pažintinius gebėjimus, sisteminį ir strateginį problemų sprendimą, efektyvesnę veiklą, geresnius rezultatus, labiau įsitraukusius darbuotojus, profesionalumą ir tikėjimą savimi.
2 400,00€

Introduction session (virtual)

Coach: Select a coach Language: English, Hungarian, Lithuanian,
The goal of this session is to meet, get to know each other (if we haven't met before) and to assess your needs. During this session we can both decide, whether we are the right fit for further collaboration and we can design our way forward.
I will also share with you my philosophy of coaching, training, mentoring or supervision, according to your needs.
And I will respond to all your questions to ensure that you get all the information you need for your decision.

Coaching Training “Coaching Essential” (Level 1 Part 1)

Head coach: Leda Turai MCC, ACTC, MA, MSc, PhD scholar Target group: For future professional coaches, for human resource professionals, for leaders and for anyone who would like to enhance their emotional and social intelligence skills Language: English Last enrolment date: 02.12.2024
This online training course is designed for individuals wanting a thorough grounding in coaching skills, whether they work in organisations or as coaches.

At the end of the training you will:

Have developed coaching skills (as specified by the International Coach Federation’s core coaching competencies) to Associate Certified Coach (ACC) level
Contextualise coaching within the wider field of learning and development, and leadership
Integrate the practical application of coaching models, tools and competencies.
An increasing number of customer awareness and organisational coaching research confirms that coaching has become one of the most effective ways of leadership, high performing team building, collaboration and professional development because, due to the application of a coaching approach, companies experience higher levels of engagement and increased business results. Companies with a strong coaching culture tend to consistently attract talent.

Coaching Essentials provides essential coaching training in all the core coaching competencies as defined by the ICF. Through taught input and experiential work, with extensive practice, observation and feedback, you develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills required for professional coaching or for coaching as a leadership style. It is a high quality, thorough first training in coaching which will be invaluable for people who wish to integrate coaching into their professional lives.
We assume that you like to learn through doing, rather than just reading. The theory we teach is directly connected with the practice of coaching, and is always followed by experiential learning. Importantly you make sense of the frameworks and integrate them into your developing skill set. This programme is modular. In between the modules you will be coaching your peers, so that you complete the training programme with a significant number of hours of formal coaching practice.
2 500,00 € (Early bird price 2 200,00€ up till 01.08.2024 Europe/Vilnius EEST +03:00)

  "Coaching Essentials"- 2024 metų rudens laida Vilniuje

Head coach: Leda Turai MCC, ACTC, MA, MSc, PhD scholar Target group: Vadovai, lyderiai, treneriai, konsultantai, Žmogiškųjų išteklių padalinių darbuotojai bei tie, kurie planuoja tapti koučingo profesionalais. Language: Lithuanian Last enrolment date: 21.10.2024
Mokymų Turinys:
Programa paremta pagrindinėmis koučingo kompetencijomis, apibrėžtomis Tarptautinės koučingo federacijos (ICF). Koučingo bei kitų giminingų mokslų teorijos, praktiniai užsiėmimai, stebėjimas, grįžtamasis ryšys ir aktyvios diskusijos užtikrina, kad mokymų dalyviai gautų žinias, susiformuotų požiūrius ir išlavintų įgūdžius reikalingus įgudusiam, profesionaliam, etiškam koučingo specialistui ir šiuolaikiškam, efektyviam vadovui.

Koučingo poveikis vadovavime:
Pastaruoju metu vis daugiau tyrimų patvirtina, kad šiais laikais koučingas yra vienas veiksmingiausių vadovavimo, bendradarbiavimo ir profesinio augimo būdų, nes jį taikant gerėja:
• bendravimo kokybė, darbuotojų įsitraukimas ir jų atsakingumas;
• komandinis darbas, individualus bei kolektyvinis sąmoningumas;
• lyderystės efektyvumas;
• inovatyvumas bei produktyvumas;
• kompetencijų formavimas, patirties perdavimas, mokymasis organizacijos mastu;
• kompanijos atmosfera, kultūra ir grįžtamo ryšio kokybė;
• kompanijos konkurencinis pranašumas;

Net jei niekada nenorėsite užsiimti koučingu, šių mokymų vertę pajusite:
savo asmeniniame gyvenime, nes geriau suprasite save, savo poreikius, gyvenimo prasmę, mąstyseną, emocijas, įsitikinimus ir vertybes;
santykiuose su kitais, nes suprasite, kas lemia vienokią ar kitokią santykių dinamiką, kaip užmegzti konstruktyvius santykius, kaip mąsto ar priima sprendimus kiti žmones, kaip jie motyvuoja ar sabotuoja save...

Apie Coaching Development ir L-CON Global:
Coaching Development Ltd. yra vienas iš pirmaujančių tarptautinių koučingo mokymų institutų, kuris įsikūręs Didžiojoje Britanijoje. Ši mokykla iki šiol jau paruošė daugiau nei 2000 koučingo specialistų Didžiojoje Britanijoje, Airijoje, Suomijoje, Pietų Afrikos Respublikoje ir Lietuvoje. UAB L-CON Global yra Coaching Development Ltd. partneris ir eilės mokymų programų bendrautorius, turintis išskirtinius leidimus mokymų programoms atstovauti ir jas vesti. Taip pat UAB L-CON Global yra atskirų lyderystės, komandinio ir individulaus koučingo programų autorius bei mokymų tiekėjas.

Apie trenerius:
Kaip pagrindinė trenerė mokymus veda Lėda Turai. Ji taip pat yra „Coaching Development” Ltd trenerė, aukščiausią tarptautinę MCC kvalifikaciją (Master Certified Coach) turinti koučingo specialistė, trenerė, supervizorė. Suaugusiųjų mokymų srityje Lėda dirba 20 metų.

Lėda yra dažnai kviečiama kalbėti pasaulinio ir europinio lygio konferencijose bei vesti įvairius koučingo mokymus užsienio šalyse. Ji yra aktyvi ICF (International Coach Federation) ir Organizational Development Networking asocijacijų narė, dalyvaujanti jų globaliuose projektuose ir daranti įtaką svarbiems globaliems sprendimams.

Mokymuose Ledai talkins Rimas Petrauskas, PCC
2 900,00 € (Early bird price 2 600,00€ up till 01.07.2024 Europe/Vilnius EEST +03:00)

  Komandos meistriškumas Išsamūs komandinio koučingo mokymai

Head coach: Leda Turai MCC, ACTC, MA, MSc, PhD scholar Target group: Vidiniai ir išoriniai koučai, treneriai, vadovai, turintys individualaus koučingo pagrindus Language: Lithuanian Last enrolment date: 20.11.2024
Šioje išsamioje ir įtraukiančioje mokymų programoje gilinamės į komandinio koučingo profesiją ir meną, siekiame atskleisti komandų potencialą, išlaisvinti jų kolektyvinį intelektą, kad galėtume pasiekti ypatingų rezultatų. Programoje "Komandos meistriškumas" derinamos naujausios teorijos, praktinis pritaikymas ir mokymasis iš patirties, kad būsimieji komandų koučai turėtų įvairių įrankių rinkinį, reikalingą sėkmingam darbui.

Kurso treneriai – Lėda Turai Petrauskienė (MCC) ir Rimas Petrauskas (PCC).

Lėda ir Rimas yra gerai pasirengę, kvalifikuoti ir patyrę koučingo specialistai bei koučingo treneriai. Jie taip pat yra baigę psichologijos, vadybos bei lyderystės studijas, turi darbo organizacijose patirties.
2 550,00 € (Early bird price 2 350,00€ up till 20.09.2024 Europe/Vilnius EEST +03:00)


Rimas Petrauskas, PCC

Rimas Petrauskas, PCC

L-CON Global / Lithuania

Coaching languages:
English, Lithuanian

Book now
Leda Turai   MCC, ACTC, MA, MSc, PhD scholar

Leda Turai MCC, ACTC, MA, MSc, PhD scholar

L-CON Global / Lithuania

Coaching languages:
English, Hungarian, Lithuanian