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Emotional Intelligence Test EQ-i 2.0 and 1,5 h session

Kieli: English, Finnish
This service includes Emotional Intelligence Test EQ-i 2.0 and 1,5 session to unpack it.

The overall result of well-developed emotional intelligence is healthy and emotional social functioning, which is linked to your well-being and happiness. There are several facets that work together to produce an effective level of emotional and social functioning and well-being.

The EQ-i 2.0 Model starts with self-perception. Understanding yourself allows to better express yourself. This leads to healthier interactions with others, which then leads to making good decisions. Making good decisions allows you to manage stress better, which leads to understanding your emotions better and so on. It is important to consider that the EQ-i 2.0. model of emotional intelligence is dynamic and each facets relies and influences the others, each facet works together to create healthy emotional intelligence- none is more important than the other, and the model is circula in nature, there is no start or end point. Collectively, the EQ-i 2.0 model of emotional intelligence produces an overall snapshot of one's emotional intelligence.
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Valitse maksutapa:

550,00€ + 24.00% ALV


Doing the Emotional Intelligence EQ-i 2.0 test


Unpacking the test session

1h 30min