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WorkPlace Big Five™ personality test and session 1 h

Kieli: English, Finnish
This session includes WorkPlace Big Five Profile™ and a 1,5 h session to unpack it. The tool is based on modern personality research, is an efficient personality and team profiling tool Big Five: five areas of personality The Big Five model of personality is a modern, extensively studied and reliable personality model. It has been widely accepted as the “standard” of personality research, and it is also often used as the basis when evaluating the validity of other personality assessment tools. That is why the Big Five Model is sometimes called “the mother of all personality assessment tools”. Whereas the enneagram is a personality typology, the Big Five is based on trait theories.

The Big Five model divides personality in five areas (Supertraits). Based on these traits,we can describe a person’s behavior. The WorkPlace Big Five Supertraits are: •Need for stability (N) • Extraversion (E) • Originality (O) • Accommodation (A)• Consolidation (C) In addition, WorkPlace Big Five looks at personality through 23 subtraits.
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Laskutusta varten:

Valitse maksutapa:

400,00€ + 24.00% ALV


WorkPlace Big5™ complete the questionnaire


Unpacking the test session
