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Available services

Mentor Coaching for ICF Credentialing (total 10,5 hours)

Coach: Leda Turai Language: English, Hungarian, Lithuanian
Languages: English, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Finnish

What is included:

7 meetings of 90 minutes
• Meeting 1: contracting, assessment and goal setting, coaching philosophy; analyzing a recording
• Meeting 2: analyzing a recording + live practice
• Meeting 3: analyzing a recording + live practice
• Meeting 4: analyzing a recording + live practice
• Meeting 5: analyzing a recording + live practice
• Meeting 6: analyzing a recording + live practice
• Meeting 7: analyzing a recording + live practice

Home assignments

The recordings of our calls

I offer virtual and face-to-face individual and group mentoring on demand for coaches who wish to pursue or renew an ICF credential at all ICF credential levels:
• ACC: Associated Certified Coach
• PCC: Professional Certified Coach
• MCC: Master Certified Coach

My mentoring style encompasses an inquiry and explanatory-based approach. I encouragingly and rigorously guide my mentees’ discoveries and professional improvements through a series of conversations, practices, and evidence-based feedback on real coaching sessions.

My philosophy is that the ICF coaching core competencies are the absolute backbone of any coaching interaction, and every coach needs to find a way to integrate them organically into their personal styles.

This 7-session process starts with a foundational contracting session, where we talk about your expectations, your coaching philosophy, and about your strengths and developmental areas based on the ICF coach competencies. We will also analyze your recorded coaching sessions. By the end of the first session, we will both understand what we need to focus on to enable you to be an even better coach.

Then during our contracted period, I will listen to another 6 of your recordings and we will analyze them thoroughly. We will also practice the mindset and skillset you need to develop. Thus, from every session, you will walk away with a clear understanding of what did you do professionally and where else, and how specifically you need to improve.

I think that you will greatly enjoy the process and your professional growth.
2 100,00€

Coaching Supervision

Coach: Leda Turai Language: English, Hungarian, Lithuanian
Languages: English, Hungarian, Lithuanian

What is included:

6 meetings of 90 minutes
• Meeting 1: contracting and working on your topic
• Meeting 2: focused supervision session
• Meeting 3: focused supervision session
• Meeting 4: focused supervision session
• Meeting 5: focused supervision session
• Meeting 6: focused supervision session and completion

We offer virtual and face-to-face individual and group supervision services on demand for:
• External coaches
• Internal coaches
• Leaders and managers, who apply a coaching style in their interactions with their employees and who would benefit from reflecting on the use of a coaching mind-set and skillset.

Coaching Supervision provides a supportive process for a coach’s development by offering a safe environment for open and honest interaction and focused reflection.

It usually includes:
• Exploratory reflective practice
• Reviewing coaching agreements and contracts
• Exposing and reconciling blind spots
• Investigating ethical considerations
• Exploring capability and accountability
• Taking a helicopter view of the coach and client’s environment to gauge opportunities for growth within the system.

Coaching supervision differs from coaching. It requires specific skills. So the opportunity to learn and practise these is necessary for anyone interested in becoming a coaching supervisor.

Understandably you want to know that you are buying the best. In organisations where coaching is becoming an integral part of the professional development of senior management and executives, coaches are expected to demonstrate their commitment to maintaining their professional best through being in formal supervision.
1 800,00€

Introduction session (virtual)

Coach: Select a coach Language: English, Hungarian, Lithuanian,
The goal of this session is to meet, get to know each other (if we haven't met before) and to assess your needs. During this session we can both decide, whether we are the right fit for further collaboration and we can design our way forward.
I will also share with you my philosophy of coaching, training, mentoring or supervision, according to your needs.
And I will respond to all your questions to ensure that you get all the information you need for your decision.

Coaching Training “Coaching Essentials” (Level 1 Part 1)

Head coach: Leda Turai Target group: For future professional coaches, for human resource professionals, for leaders and for anyone who would like to enhance their emotional and social intelligence skills Language: English Last enrolment date: 03.02.2025
This online training course is designed for individuals wanting a thorough grounding in coaching skills, whether they work in organisations or as coaches.

At the end of the training you will:

Have developed coaching skills (as specified by the International Coach Federation’s core coaching competencies) to Associate Certified Coach (ACC) level
Contextualise coaching within the wider field of learning and development, and leadership
Integrate the practical application of coaching models, tools and competencies.
An increasing number of customer awareness and organisational coaching research confirms that coaching has become one of the most effective ways of leadership, high performing team building, collaboration and professional development because, due to the application of a coaching approach, companies experience higher levels of engagement and increased business results. Companies with a strong coaching culture tend to consistently attract talent.

Coaching Essentials provides essential coaching training in all the core coaching competencies as defined by the ICF. Through taught input and experiential work, with extensive practice, observation and feedback, you develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills required for professional coaching or for coaching as a leadership style. It is a high quality, thorough first training in coaching which will be invaluable for people who wish to integrate coaching into their professional lives.
We assume that you like to learn through doing, rather than just reading. The theory we teach is directly connected with the practice of coaching, and is always followed by experiential learning. Importantly you make sense of the frameworks and integrate them into your developing skill set. This programme is modular. In between the modules you will be coaching your peers, so that you complete the training programme with a significant number of hours of formal coaching practice.
2 500,00€

  "Coaching Essentials"- 2025 metų pavasario laida Vilniuje

Head coach: Leda Turai Target group: Vadovai, lyderiai, treneriai, konsultantai, Žmogiškųjų išteklių padalinių darbuotojai bei tie, kurie planuoja tapti koučingo profesionalais arba tiesiog išmokti ir įgusti prasmingiau ir efektyviau bendrauti. Language: Lithuanian Last enrolment date: 26.02.2025
Mokymų Turinys:
Programa paremta pagrindinėmis koučingo kompetencijomis, apibrėžtomis Tarptautinės koučingo federacijos (ICF). Koučingo bei kitų giminingų mokslų teorijos, praktiniai užsiėmimai, stebėjimas, grįžtamasis ryšys ir aktyvios diskusijos užtikrina, kad mokymų dalyviai gautų žinias, susiformuotų požiūrius ir išlavintų įgūdžius reikalingus įgudusiam, profesionaliam, etiškam koučingo specialistui ir šiuolaikiškam, efektyviam vadovui.

Koučingo poveikis vadovavime:
Pastaruoju metu vis daugiau tyrimų patvirtina, kad šiais laikais koučingas yra vienas veiksmingiausių vadovavimo, bendradarbiavimo ir profesinio augimo būdų, nes jį taikant gerėja:
• bendravimo kokybė, darbuotojų įsitraukimas ir jų atsakingumas;
• komandinis darbas, individualus bei kolektyvinis sąmoningumas;
• lyderystės efektyvumas;
• inovatyvumas bei produktyvumas;
• kompetencijų formavimas, patirties perdavimas, mokymasis organizacijos mastu;
• kompanijos atmosfera, kultūra ir grįžtamo ryšio kokybė;
• kompanijos konkurencinis pranašumas;

Net jei niekada nenorėsite užsiimti koučingu, šių mokymų vertę pajusite:
savo asmeniniame gyvenime, nes geriau suprasite save, savo poreikius, gyvenimo prasmę, mąstyseną, emocijas, įsitikinimus ir vertybes;
santykiuose su kitais, nes suprasite, kas lemia vienokią ar kitokią santykių dinamiką, kaip užmegzti konstruktyvius santykius, kaip mąsto ar priima sprendimus kiti žmones, kaip jie motyvuoja ar sabotuoja save...

Apie Coaching Development ir L-CON Global:
Coaching Development Ltd. yra vienas iš pirmaujančių tarptautinių koučingo mokymų institutų, kuris įsikūręs Didžiojoje Britanijoje. Ši mokykla iki šiol jau paruošė daugiau nei 2000 koučingo specialistų Didžiojoje Britanijoje, Airijoje, Suomijoje, Pietų Afrikos Respublikoje ir Lietuvoje. UAB L-CON Global yra Coaching Development Ltd. partneris ir eilės mokymų programų bendrautorius, turintis išskirtinius leidimus mokymų programoms atstovauti ir jas vesti. Taip pat UAB L-CON Global yra atskirų lyderystės, komandinio ir individulaus koučingo programų autorius bei mokymų tiekėjas.

Apie trenerius:
Kaip pagrindinė trenerė mokymus veda Lėda Turai. Ji taip pat yra „Coaching Development” Ltd trenerė, aukščiausią tarptautinę MCC kvalifikaciją (Master Certified Coach) turinti koučingo specialistė, trenerė, supervizorė. Suaugusiųjų mokymų srityje Lėda dirba 20 metų.

Lėda yra dažnai kviečiama kalbėti pasaulinio ir europinio lygio konferencijose bei vesti įvairius koučingo mokymus užsienio šalyse. Ji yra aktyvi ICF (International Coach Federation) ir Organizational Development Networking asocijacijų narė, dalyvaujanti jų globaliuose projektuose ir daranti įtaką svarbiems globaliems sprendimams.

Mokymuose Ledai talkins Rimas Petrauskas, PCC
2 900,00€

  Komandos meistriškumas Išsamūs komandinio koučingo mokymai

Head coach: Leda Turai Target group: Vidiniai ir išoriniai koučai, treneriai, vadovai, turintys individualaus koučingo pagrindus Language: Lithuanian Last enrolment date: 22.01.2025
Šioje išsamioje ir įtraukiančioje mokymų programoje gilinamės į komandinio koučingo profesiją ir meną, siekiame atskleisti komandų potencialą, išlaisvinti jų kolektyvinį intelektą, kad galėtume pasiekti ypatingų rezultatų. Programoje "Komandos meistriškumas" derinamos naujausios teorijos, praktinis pritaikymas ir mokymasis iš patirties, kad būsimieji komandų koučai turėtų įvairių įrankių rinkinį, reikalingą sėkmingam darbui.

Kurso treneriai – Lėda Turai Petrauskienė (MCC) ir Rimas Petrauskas (PCC).

Lėda ir Rimas yra gerai pasirengę, kvalifikuoti ir patyrę koučingo specialistai bei koučingo treneriai. Jie taip pat yra baigę psichologijos, vadybos bei lyderystės studijas, turi darbo organizacijose patirties.
2 550,00 € (Early bird price 2 350,00€ up till 15.01.2025 Europe/Vilnius EET +02:00)


Rimas Petrauskas, PCC

Rimas Petrauskas, PCC

L-CON Global / Lithuania

Coaching languages:
English, Lithuanian

Book now
Leda Turai

Leda Turai

L-CON Global / Lithuania

Coaching languages:
English, Hungarian, Lithuanian