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User agreement
Updated: March 1st 2020
We try to make these terms of use (“Agreement”) of Coaching WRX service (“Service” or “Coaching WRX”) as simple as possible. This Agreement describes the terms and conditions which you accept by using our website at http://coachingwrx.com (“Website”) or Services.
In this Agreement:
“Client” “Client” means a user of the Service who identifies as a client or potential purchaser of coaching services through the Website.
“Client Company” means a Client who is a company, association, organization or other legal entity other than a natural person.
“Coach” means a user of the Service who identifies as a provider of coaching services through the Website.
“Coach Company” means a Coach who is a company, association, organization or other legal entity other than a natural person.
“Corporate Tribe admin” means a user (usually HR of a corporation) who is using the Service on behalf of a company or organization.
“WRX Company” Company” means WRX Company Ltd, a limited company incorporated according to the laws of Finland with the company id 2844494-9 and VAT id FI28444949.
To use the Service as a Client, you need
- to agree with these terms
- be over 18 of age
To use the Service as a Coach or Coach Company admin, you need
- to agree with these terms
- be over 18 of age
- to accept being personally (or via your own or your employers company) accountable for payment of use of the Service and any applicable taxes
- to agree that if you open an account on behalf of a company, organization, or other entity, then “you” includes you and that entity, and you represent and warrant that you are an authorized representative of the entity with the authority to bind the entity to this Agreement, and that you agree to this Agreement on the entity’s behalf.
To use the Service as a Client Company admin or Corporate Tribe admin, you need
- to agree with these terms
- be over 18 of age
- to be authorized by the organization on whose behalf you are creating a Coaching WRX account
- to agree that the organization is accountable for payment of use of the service and relevant taxes
- to agree that if you open an account on behalf of a company, organization, or other entity, then “you” includes you and that entity, and you represent and warrant that you are an authorized representative of the entity with the authority to bind the entity to this Agreement, and that you agree to this Agreement on the entity’s behalf.
Coaching made simple. Easy to use, freedom to choose. Coaching WRX is a safe and secure service which enables professional coaches to sell and deliver coaching services online, clients to buy coaching services and manage their process, and Corporate HRs to manage a coach pool and have transparency on impact and return on investment (ROI).
The Service has been developed by professional coaches for professional coaches and corporate HR.
For Client: Coaching WRX makes your life easier! Coaching WRX is a free and safe service to get coaching support for your growth. You can easily find the right coach, buy coaching services, book sessions, join virtual sessions, register for trainings, see your progress, chat with the coach and keep your session notes and certificates safe, anytime, anywhere, online.
For Coach: Coaching WRX makes your life easier! You will have more time to enjoy life and get more sales and impact. Coaching WRX is your important step to GDPR compliance. You can, with your own brand look and feel, easily and safely offer your services, create contracts, define your working hours and allow clients to book and reschedule online. You can serve wider clientele by delivering your services with virtual tools and you can save your session notes in a data secure service and follow up the progress of your clients. Coaching WRX also offers several useful business tools at your service. Coaching WRX works for you!
For Tribe admin: Coaching WRX makes your life easier! You will have transparency on both qualitative and quantitative impact and ROI. You can easily manage the coach pool (internal and external), create services including mentoring programs, find professional coaches and create vendor agreements. Coaching WRX is very important in assuring the GDPR compliance of all coach vendors. You can, with your own brand look and feel, easily and safely follow up the progress, impact and feedback of each process.
The Website and Service are owned and operated by WRX Company Ltd.
If any questions please contact our customer support: support@coachingwrx.com.
Coaching WRX can ONLY be used for Coaches and Clients to find one another, enter into service relationships, make and receive payments and receive and perform coaching and training services.
This Agreement (with our privacy policy and privacy statement) governs your access to and use of the Website and Service, and any software provided on or in connection with the Service.
We develop our Service constantly to make it even better. We want you to understand that these terms are updated time to time and your right and obligation is to read these once in a while and check if you are still ok with them.
You can always find the latest version of these terms on our website: https://coachingwrx.com/en/terms You can find the update date at the top of the Agreement. If you continue using the Service you are agreeing to the updated terms.
Please read both this Agreement and our Privacy policy and Privacy descriptions carefully before using the Service. By accessing the Service or using the Service, you agree to be bound by this Agreement, by our Privacy Policy and by our Privacy description https://coachingwrx.com/en/privacy, whether or not you are a registered user of our service.
Any use or access to the Service by anyone under 18 is strictly prohibited and in violation of this Agreement.
We also use third party applications to be able to provide our Service to you. For example to offer the possible for you to host virtual meetings or webinars, we offer connecting Zoom or Stripe to your Coaching WRX account. You can find their terms here: https://zoom.us/terms
By agreeing to our term you also agree to their terms. If you mess up with their terms you are responsible directly to them. We are not included. Common sense and conventional use of the Service doesn’t get you in any trouble with third parties or with us.
If you share any links or other content please check that you have the right to do that. If you mistreat someone’s user rights you are again responsible to the third party (them) not to us.
Simply said you are responsible for your actions.
If any part of this Agreement is considered not ok by a real court, the rest of the agreement is still ok. And we will fix the terms immediately, since we want to do things right.
If you do not agree to any of these terms or any future Terms of Use, do not use or access (or continue to access) the Service. In other words if you disagree with our terms you can NOT use our Service, so please please don’t click the “I agree” box if you don’t agree.
Coaching WRX is not giving up any rights on any of the terms. No waiver of any term of this Agreement shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term, and Coaching WRX’s failure to assert any right or provision under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.
You may not use, or encourage, promote, facilitate, or instruct/induce others to use, the Website or Services for any activities that violate any law, statute, ordinance or regulation; for any other illegal, fraudulent, harmful, or offensive purpose; or to transmit, store, display, distribute or otherwise make available content that is illegal, harmful, or offensive.
You are expected to use the Website and Service for their intended purposes as described in section 3 above and you may not use the Website and Service in contravention of their intended purposes.
Because we respect the rights of others and data privacy, you agree that any user content that you post, does not and will not violate any law or infringe any rights of any third party, including without limitation any IPR’s, publicity rights or rights of privacy.
For the purposes of this Agreement, IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) means all patent rights, copyright rights, moral rights, rights of publicity, trademark, trade dress and service mark rights, goodwill, trade secret rights and other intellectual property rights as may now exist or hereafter come into existence, and all applications therefore and registrations, renewals and extensions thereof, under the laws of any state, country, territory or other jurisdiction.
We reserve the right, but are not obligated, to reject and/or remove any user content that we believe, in our sole discretion, violates this Agreement or violates our general guidelines.
As a client, you are NOT allowed to
- Transfer or share your user account with another person
- Give false information, such as your name, company or office address, since you are signing a contract with the coach and booking are made based on the information you give.
- Give email address you don't use, since your purchase confirmation and session information will be delivered to you by email
- Share content you do not have rights to in other words mistreat someone’s IPR’s
- Share content that is inappropriate, illegal, violating or defensive
- Use our logos
- Use Coaching WRX for any other purpose than buying or using coaching/training services
As a coach, you are NOT allowed to
- Transfer or share your user account with another person
- Give false information, such as your name, company or office address. The service is only for ethical coaches.
- Give a email address you don't use, since client purchase orders and bookings will be delivered to you by email
- Share content you do not have rights to in other words mistreat someone’s IPR’s
- Set a price on public content (providing a link in a service element) that you do not have rights to
- Share content that is inappropriate, illegal, violating or defensive
- Use our logos
- Use Coaching WRX for any other purpose than selling, delivering, buying or using coaching/training services.
- Misuse the virtual tools reasonable usage or other terms by zoom or skype: https://zoom.us/terms or https://www.skype.com/en/legal/
As a admin, you are NOT allowed to
- Transfer or share your user account with another person
- Give false information, such as your name or company name or any false information about your authorization by the organization on whose behalf you are accessing Coaching WRX.
- Give email address you don't use, since reporting and other important information will be delivered to you by email
- Use our logos
- Use Coaching WRX for any other purpose than enabling buying or using coaching/training services easy within your organization and following up the progress and impact.
- For Tribe admin: Use Coaching WRX to sell coaching/training/mentoring services outside of your organization, unless this is specifically agreed in a seperate contract.
You are solely responsible for the activity that occurs on your account, and you must keep your account password secure. We encourage you to use “strong” passwords (passwords that use a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols) with your account. You must notify WRX Company (support@coachingwrx.com) immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of your account.
WRX Company will not be liable for any losses caused by any unauthorized use of your account. When creating your account, you must provide accurate and complete information.
This Agreement, and any rights and licenses granted hereunder, may not be transferred or assigned by you, but may be assigned by WRX Company without restriction. Any attempted transfer or assignment in violation hereof shall be null and void.
As a condition of your use of the Service, you will not use the Service for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms, conditions, and notices. You may not use the Services in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair any Coaching WRX server, or the network(s) connected to any Coaching WRX server, or interfere with any other party's use and enjoyment of any Service. You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any Service, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to any Coaching WRX server or to any of the Service, through hacking, password mining or any other means. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information through any means not intentionally made available through the Service.
We care deeply about the privacy of our users.
You understand that by using the Website or Service you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personally identifiable information and aggregate data as set forth in our Privacy Policy and privacy description https://coachingwrx.com/en/privacy
Coaching WRX has the right to send you emails. Without this right you
- as a client would not receive purchase confirmations, session information, session reminders etc.
- as a coach would not receive client purchase orders, session bookings, session reminders etc.
We respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam.
CALENDAR – If you connect your calendar as a coach or mentor, Coaching WRX has the right to read the busy/free times of the your calendar and send calendar invitations and delete them. Without this right your clients could not make online bookings and Coaching WRX could not create calendar invitations for sessions nor cancel them if needed. We respect your privacy and do not read your calendar content. With Apple iCal we use Cronofy to connect your calendar. Cronofy copies your calendar content, but does not have the right to use your data to anything else than providing you the integration service needed.
VIRTUAL TOOLS – If you connect your virtual tools (Zoom or Skype), Coaching WRX has the right to use your Zoom account for you. Without this right your clients would not receive the zoom link in their calendar invitation nor be able to join the virtual session in the process view. We do not use your Zoom account for anything else.
ICF - If the coach sends the coaching log created in Coaching WRX to ICF for credentialing purposes, in a GDPR compliant way without the personal data, the coach is giving ICF the permission to ask Coaching WRX to verify the hours. We will not share any information to ICF about the coach, coaches clients or any content in Coaching WRX. We will only send the confirmation request email to the coach and the client in the log on ICF’s behalf. The coach and the client are free to reply to the request or not.
We listen to our customers and develop the service constantly. Some changes are on the background like technical changes on the server that you as a user won’t even notice, but there might be also times when we replace your favorite feature with something else, you might not be as so about. We have the right to do that. If you are not happy with something, please let us know. We do our absolute best to continuously develop the service to best support you.
In order to fix possible technical problems due to your data or to provide general statistics, we have the right to use, modify, delete, reproduce, display or distribute your data for the purposes of operating and providing the Service. We do not use your data outside of the Coaching WRX service. We have the right to remove data that is not compliant with our user terms or data privacy and security policies.
We can even permanently or temporarily terminate or suspend your access, denying your access without prior notice or any liability for any reason, if we feel you should not be allowed to continue using the service for some reason. Upon termination of your use of the Service, you continue to be bound by this Agreement. With common sense and conventional usage you have no problems.
If you login with Facebook, Google of Linked in and connect to WRX Company with a third-party service, you give us permission to access and use your information from that service as permitted by that service, and to store your log-in credentials for that service. For more information on the types of information we collect from these third-party services, please read our Privacy Policy and Privacy description: https://coachingwrx.com/en/privacy
WRX Company will send you emails to the email you provide (eg. Client purchase orders), but is not responsible for any automatic filtering you or your network provider or your software may apply to email notifications we send to the email address you provide us.
We are not liable for your or any other users actions or inactions. Please behave respectfully towards others. You understand and agree that you may be exposed to user content that is inaccurate, objectionable, inappropriate for children, incomplete, delayed, misleading, illegal, offensive or otherwise harmful or otherwise unsuited to your purpose, and you agree that WRX Company shall not be liable for any damages you allege to incur as a result of user content. The Service may contain links to third-party websites, advertisers, services, special offers, or other events or activities that are not owned or controlled by WRX Company.
WRX Company generally does not review content provided by our users. You agree that we are not responsible for third parties' (including other users') content or information or for any damages as result of your use of or reliance on it. WRX Company does not endorse or assume any responsibility for any such third-party sites, information, materials, products, or services. If you access a third party website from the Service, you do so at your own risk and you expressly relieve WRX Company from any and all liability arising from your use of any third-party website, service, or content.
We are not responsible for the content you or other users share. You agree to use the service only in a manner accepted. If we feel you are not doing so, we can remove the violating content or your entire account.
Coaching WRX is the coaching services matchmaker.
As a Client: When you buy coaching services via Coaching WRX you are responsible of the payments directly to the seller, the coach. All service purchased from or via the Service are transported and delivered to you by an independent coach not affiliated with, or controlled by, WRX Company. All purchases made through our Service are final and we shall not refund any purchases.
As a Coach: When you sell coaching services via Coaching WRX any issues of payments disagreements are between you and the buyer.
Our servers and data are protected one of the largest hosting companies in Europe with first-rate protection and we are liable for doing everything commercially reasonable to protect your data. Beyond that we assume no liability or warranty. If this is not enough for you, you should not agree to our term nor use the service. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall WRX Company, its affiliates, agents, directors, employees, suppliers or licensors be liable for any direct or indirect, punitive, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including without limitation damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, IPR, data or other intangible losses, that result from the use of, or inability to use, this Service.
When it comes to using Coaching WRX, you are responsible for obeying the law of Finland and EU regulations. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, WRX Company assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content; personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your access to or use of our service, from hacking, tampering or any unauthorized access to or use of our secure servers and/or any and all personal information stored therein; any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from the service; any bugs, viruses, trojan horses, or the like that may be transmitted to or through our service by any third party; any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available through the service; and/or user content or the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any third party.
In no event shall WRX Company, its affiliates, agents, directors, employees, suppliers, or licensors be liable to you for any claims, proceedings, liabilities, obligations, damages, losses or costs in an amount exceeding one euro.
We provide the Service using a commercially reasonable level of skill and care and we hope that you will enjoy using them. But there are certain things that we don’t promise about the Service.
The Service is provided “as is” basis and WRX Company makes no warranties of any kind of any service levels, reliability, availability without interruption, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or that the Service would be free from errors. WRX Company shall use reasonable efforts to inform the user in advance of any interruptions to the Service and to perform maintenance work in such a way that it does not unduly interrupt the use of Service.
Other than as expressly set out in these terms or additional terms, neither WRX Company nor its suppliers or distributors make any specific promises about the Service. For example, we don’t make any commitments about the content within the Service, the specific functions of the Services, or their reliability, availability, or ability to meet your needs. We provide the Services “as is”.
Some jurisdictions provide for certain warranties, like the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. To the extent permitted by law, we exclude all warranties.
You own your data. WRX Company does not share your information with anyone outside the system and provides the best protection of your data through comprehensive security concepts. Please read our Privacy policy and privacy description at https://coachingwrx.com/en/privacy
Your privacy is our main concern. We do not sell, give or even think about giving your data and information further.
Security is extremely important. We do our part to make your data safe. You also have your responsibilities like: use unique password for the application. Do not share it with anyone. If you forget it, please use the forgot password function or contact our Customer Support support@coachingwrx.com.
See more details at https://coachingwrx.com/en/privacy
For Clients: Coaching WRX is always free.
For Coaches: Coaches: We offer different price plans with basic, professional and premium features. The admin of the brand is responsible for the payment of Coaching WRX paid plan. You can always see the prices and features here: https://coachingwrx.com/en/price-plans
For Corporate Tribes: We offer a fixed all inclusive pricing model for corporations depending on the size of the organization. Please contact us for more details.
Value Added Tax (VAT) is added to the prices based on the tax number of the coaching company owning the brand.
During 2025 if your company is located in
- Finland VAT is 25.5%
- Other EU country VAT is 0% (Reverse charge, VAT Directive art 44. Remember to inform you accountant about this.)
- Outside of EU VAT is 0%
- If tax number is not provided, VAT is 25.5%
Coach can choose a monthly plan or an annual plan, Corporate Tribes are always with annual plan. Monthly plan is invoiced monthly in advance and annual for the whole year in advance. You always save with the annual plan. Your subscription will continue indefinitely until terminated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. Your subscription will automatically renew and continue for an additional period, at Company's then current price for such subscription. You agree that your Account will be subject to this automatic renewal feature unless you cancel your subscription. You can cancel, downgrade or upgrade anytime.
We do not return your payment of the rest of the period, but you can use it later. Why? We like to keep it simple, effective and as title bureaucracy as possible. It keeps the costs also low. It is important that you know this in advance and feel ok with it before clicking the ”I agree”.
All information that you provide in connection with a purchase or transaction or other monetary transaction interaction with the Service must be accurate, complete, and current. You agree to pay all charges incurred by users of your credit card, debit card, or other payment method used in connection with a purchase or transaction or other monetary transaction interaction with the Service at the prices in effect when such charges are incurred. You will pay any applicable taxes, if any, relating to any such purchases, transactions or other monetary transaction interactions.
If you love, like, disagree or you don’t like what we offer please give us feedback. We will listen.
If you are so unhappy with Coaching WRX you no longer want to use the service, you can delete your account and stop using the service anytime.
If you are upset about something, you agree to first contact us at: support@coachingwrx.com and we will do absolutely everything to support you.
We hope this part of the agreement is never needed, but if we would not for some reason find any solution then the place where we have the final solutions is then District Court of Helsinki, Finland. This Agreement is exclusively governed by the laws of Finland (excluding its choice of law rules).
We are continuously developing the service and appreciate all feedback and ideas you wish to share with us.
You hereby agree that you will not be paid for any ideas we might develop further. By submitting any feedback, you agree that your disclosure is gratuitous, unsolicited and without restriction and will not place WRX Company under any fiduciary or other obligation, and that we are free to use the feedback and any IPR or ideas contained in the feedback without any additional compensation to you, and/or to disclose the feedback on a non-confidential basis or otherwise to anyone. You further acknowledge that, by acceptance of your submission, WRX Company does not waive any rights to use similar or related feedback previously known to WRX Company, or developed by its employees, or obtained from sources other than you.
We are really happy that you read the terms of use of Coaching WRX service.
If you disagree with our terms please do not click the “I agree” check box.
If you do agree with our terms, you can confirm it by clicking the ”I agree” check box and we are happy to welcome you to Coaching WRX - the place where meaningful moments happen.
Updated: August 1st 2019
Strong values together with high moral and ethics leads all WRX Company operations including Coaching WRX service. The purpose of this privacy description is to describe in detail how we respect the data privacy and security of our users using Coaching WRX service. WRX Company Data privacy and security policy describes the upper level company policy.
We care deeply about the privacy of our users and are committed to the following principles:
- We value the trust you show by providing us your personal information. We use your personal information in a way that is fair and worthy of your trust.
- You have the right to know how your personal information is used. We are transparent with what we collect, what we use the data for, who we share it with and who you should contact if you have any questions.
- If you have any concerns about the use of your personal data, we will work with you to promptly resolve those concerns.
- We comply with all applicable data protection laws and regulations.
- We take all reasonable steps to protect your information from misuse and keep it secure.
The coachingwrx.com website, which provides the Coaching WRX service, is operated by WRX Company Ltd (company id: 2844494-9). We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring your personal information is protected. This privacy description is a legal document that details how our Coaching WRX service gathers, stores, uses and shares users data. If you choose to use our Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation with this Privacy description. The Personal Information that we collect are used for providing and improving the Service. We will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy description.
Your privacy is our main concern. In this Privacy description, your “personal information” means information or pieces of information that is related to you. This typically includes information such as your name, address, profile picture, email address, and telephone number, but can also include other information such as IP address. We may collect personal information about you from different sources, including:
- Information you give us in your profile
- Information we collect automatically when you use our Service (Log data and “cookies”)
- Information we receive from other sources. If you login with Facebook, Google of Linked in, you give us permission to use the information they share with us, like your name and email.
Coaches and mentors connect their calendars to enable easy online booking, session reminders and cancellation functions. For the Microsoft or Google calendar integration, we request the right to list your calendar names for you, create a event in your calendar, delete the created event and send reminders, in order to enable clients to book, cancel and be reminded of sessions. Coaching WRX reads only the start and end times of the events in your calendar, when coaching or mentoring client is making a booking, from the time period stated by the coach/mentor they are available for bookings, to determine the free/busy information and the id of calendar events, in order to delete cancelled events. We do not read your calendar data.
If you are using Apple’s iCal calendar on your Mac, we use Cronofy service to integrate your iCal calendar data securely. Cronofy reads and copies your calendar data to provide the integration service, they do not have the right to use the data for anything else and have a strict GDPR compliant data protection policy in place.
Coaching WRX service can be used without connecting a calendar, however then the coach or mentor can not:
- Offer online booking for clients with view to free slots, automated preparations instructions and virtual link/address and ability to assure breaks and needed travel time for coach/mentor
- Manage their working hours and availability automatically
- Manage different time zones automatically
- Assure double bookings do not occur
- Manage minimum and maximum notice times
- Benefit from automated cancellation policy
- Receive bookings directly to their calendar
- Receive automated cancellations to their calendar
- Receive event and group session calendar invitations automatically
- Manage the client slots (amount of clients)
- Manage their vacation times
- Manage pre-bookings for full day services
Personal data is handled for identifying the user, for enable invoicing of used services, for customer relationship communications, other customer relationship management, business development of the Service and analysis, and statistics purposes.
Your account data | What we need it for | Personal data | Mandatory |
Username/Email | To identify you, to allow you to login and to send you needed emails like purchases orders, booking confirmations and calendar invitations with the virtual link or physical address or other relevant to the use of Coaching WRX information. We respect your privacy and do not tolerate spam. | yes | * |
First- and lastname | To enable your client/coach to identify you | yes | * |
Gender | To provide diversity metrics, statistical info on users and clients and to improve the service | yes | |
Year of birth | To provide diversity metrics, statistical info on users and clients and to improve the service | yes | |
Profile picture | To enable your client/coach to identify you | yes | |
Current position | To enable best match for the client and coach | yes | |
Company | To enable the invoicing to the right company and to enable best match for the client and coach and to provide statistical info on users and clients and to improve the service | yes | * |
Office address, zipcode, city and country | To enable you to book a meeting at your office or calculate travel distance for you, and to provide diversity metrics and statistical info on users and clients and to improve the service | yes | * |
Phone number | To enable your client/coach to contact you | yes | |
Invoice information | To enable the invoicing and payment of coaching services | yes | * |
Date format, Time type and timezone | To be able to provide you with the correct calendar invitations and show the dates and time according to your preference. And to provide statistical info on users and clients and to improve the service. | other | * |
Your company tax code and company id | To be able to enable the correct tax on the invoices and make your accounting easier. | other |
Coach account data | What we need it for | Personal data | Mandatory |
Introduction | To enable clients to find and select a coach right for them | yes | * |
Coach credential and expire date | To enable you to stand out as a professional and to enable clients to compare coaches | other | |
Signature image | To enable you to add your signature on certificates you grant clients | yes | |
Coaching languages | To enable clients to search and select a coach right for them | yes | * |
Calendar | To enable your clients to book a session with you online, get session reminders and enable your clients to cancel a session, you can connect your calendar to Coaching WRX. | yes | |
Credit card details | Applicable for Brand owner only, not individual coaches working in a brand or or Tribe admin. To enable payment of Coaching WRX service. We do not store the credit card details but the credit cards info is safely handled by payment provider Stripe. | yes | * |
Whenever you visit our Service, we collect information that your browser sends to us that is called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your computer’s Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser version, pages of our Service that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, and other statistics. The information that we collect will be used to improve our service or provide statistical information of users.
Cookies are files with small amount of data that is commonly used an anonymous unique identifier. These are sent to your browser from the website that you visit and are stored on your computer’s hard drive.
Our website uses these “cookies” to collection information and to improve our Service. You have the option to either accept or refuse these cookies, and know when a cookie is being sent to your computer. If you choose to refuse our cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of our Service.
Users are identified and authorized with authentication process. User can register or login locally or use OAuth provided by Google or/and Facebook. Access and rights are granted role specifically and users have restricted access according to their roles. Users can only manage and access data that is authorized for that specific role or individual.
Company Tribe login is limited to the domains or emails specified by the tribe admin.
We do not sell, give or even think about giving your data and personal information outside of the Coaching WRX service. The information that we collect will be used to identify or contact you, improve our Service or to provide unidentifiable statistical information of users.
You own your data. In order to fix possible technical problems due to your data or to provide general statistics, we have the right to use, modify, delete, reproduce, display or distribute your data for the purposes of operating and providing the Service. We do not use your data outside of the Coaching WRX service. We have the right to remove data that is not compliant with our user terms or data privacy and security policies.
You can see and manage your own personal data anytime. You are also able to delete your personal data by deleting your user account. If you need any support as data subject on personal data, you can contact Coaching WRX Customer service at support@coachingwrx.com.
As a private client you understand that the admin of the brand you log into and the coach you buy services from, becoming their client, sees your profile data. You also understand that when a session booking is made via Coaching WRX, a calendar invitation is created for you and your coach and stored with your name in both your and coach's calendar.
As a Company Tribe employee client you understand that the admin of the company Tribe, the coach you buy services from and the admin of the coached brand, becoming their client, sees your profile data. You also understand that when a session booking is made via Coaching WRX, a calendar invitation is created for you and your coach and stored with your name in both your and coach's calendar.
As a coach you understand that Coaching WRX is a public service and the profile and service data you make public, may be seen, used or copied by other users. You also understand that when you connect your calendar to Coaching WRX, you are accountable for the data privacy of your calendar content. We always recommend keeping your calendar private to stay GDPR compliant.
As a vendor coach for a Corporate Tribe, you understand that the profile and service data you make public, is visible to the Corporate Tribe admins and employees. You also understand that when you connect your calendar to Coaching WRX, you are accountable for the data privacy of your calendar content. We always recommend keeping your calendar private to stay GDPR compliant.
In a rare case of you having a problem using the service, that can not be solved without your data, Coaching WRX support team can, with your permission, access your personal data.
Personal data protection is very important for us and we value your trust in providing us your Personal Information, thus we are striving to use commercially acceptable means of protecting it. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure, and we cannot guarantee its absolute security.
Personal data of our users is manageable and accessible only via appropriate user access rights. All traffic is secured with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) -protocol. Access to your personal information is restricted to prevent unauthorized access, modification or misuse and is only permitted among our employees and subcontractors on a need-to-know basis. WRX Company Ltd guarantees by contractual arrangements that personal data is processed in accordance with Personal Data Act and applicable EU regulations. We only employ employees and subcontractor within EU/EEA and have DBA agreements in place with them.
Security is extremely important. We do our part to make your data safe. You also have your responsibilities like: use unique password for the application. Do not share it with anyone. If you forget it, please use the forgot password function or contact our Customer Service at support@coachingwrx.com.
Every user creates their own account, and that user may delete their account and personal data. Data is stored in the production server in Helsinki, Finland and its daily backups in Nuremberg, Germany. For the Apple Calendar integration with Cronofy, the calendar data is stored in data center in Frankfurt, Germany.
Once user deletes their account, all personal data is permanently deleted immediately, and backups are deleted within 7 days. Other data still needed is anonymized (like purchase orders and purchase history data) and cannot be linked to user anymore.
Users personal data is stored for 5 years after their last login. Once 5 years has passed the user account is automatically deleted with a monthly clean up process. User is notified by email, a month in advance of the upcoming deletion.
Corporate Tribe admin may ask Coaching WRX support to delete a user account on behalf of their employee. If the Company Tribe account is deleted, all brand data is deleted and none of the user accounts are linked to it anymore.
If federated SSO is used for Corporate Tribe, users can not create their own accounts, but all accounts are created via SSO. If Corporate Tribe account is deleted, all personal data created via SSO will be permanently deleted immediately and backups are deleted within 7 days. Other data still needed is anonymized (like purchase orders and purchase history data) is anonymized and cannot be linked to user nor Tribe anymore.
In very rare cases of client having a production problem that we are not able to reproduce in the test nor development environment and there isn’t any error mentioned on server logs. Our developers may ask users permission to copy the production data to development environment for debugging. This data is deleted as soon as the issue is solved, but no later then within 14 days. Development environment is located in private network and protected by passwords.
- Client’s own data input
- Facebook/Google input
- Coach’s input (can add office address or time zone for the client)
- Corporate Tribe SSO input
- User can login
- User can be identified
User can use the service for coaching/mentoring/training
- purchase services
- have an ongoing process (examples: book a session, store session notes, set actions agreed, chat, enrol to a group session or event, provide attendance data, view materials, do assignments, give feedback and ratings)
- User can view archived service data
- User can receive emails and chat notifications
- User can access certificates, development log or coaching log
- Delete by user
- Delete by Corporate Tribe using SSO
- Delete by Coaching WRX once over 5 years from last login
- Delete by Coaching WRX support by request from Corporate Tribe
- Delete by Coaching WRX support due to not being compliant with the user terms or data privacy and security policies.

The controls defined in this description are aiming to ensure the integrity of the data during its lifetime. These include identity and access management, testing of updates, vulnerability scanning, risk management and incident management.
Users are profiled based on their data. Coaching WRX provides pre-matching functionality for mentoring programs, that matches mentees with suitable mentors based on their data. Profiling data is not used for automated decision making.
You have the right to correct, update or delete your personal information anytime.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about how we handle your personal information, then you may contact us at support@coachingwrx.com or by writing to WRX Company Ltd, Urho Kekkosen katu 3A3, 00100 HELSINKI, Finland.
Our Service may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by us. Therefore, we strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.
Our Services do not address anyone under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect personal identifiable information from users under 18. In the case we discover that a user under 18 has provided us with personal information, we immediately delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact us, support@coachingwrx.com, so that we will be able to do necessary actions.
We may update our Privacy description from time to time. Thus, we advise you to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy description with update date, on this page. These changes are effective immediately, after they are posted on this page.
If you agree with the Terms of Use you agree with this privacy description and the way data privacy and security is handled. If you disagree with our terms please do not click the “I agree” check box in the Terms of Use.
If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy description, do not hesitate to contact us at support@coachingwrx.com.
1.1 - Scope
In WRX Company we recognize that privacy is important to our customers and we are committed to respect and safeguard our customers’ data privacy and security.
This company policy relates to data privacy and security and applies to WRX Company. WRX Company will strive to fully adopt these principles in all operations in which WRX Company has management control. We will also use our influence to promote the principles in other companies where WRX Company has ownership interests.
1.2 - Purpose
Strong values together with high moral and ethics leads all WRX Company operations both in business and individual level. WRX Company encourages all employees, subcontractors and coaches using Coaching WRX service, to serve their customers in a responsible, sustainable and ethical way with personal commitment and focus in impact and outcomes.
The purpose of this policy is to set high and consistent WRX Company standards to respect data privacy and security of our customers.
2.1 - Implementation actions
2.1.1 - Meetings
To assure this privacy and security policy is being implemented in each part of the organization and accountability is taken, privacy and security topic is addressed monthly in a meeting with all employees and subcontractors. Each participant is obliged to share any concerns on possible data privacy or security violations.
2.1.2 - Reporting
Possible privacy and security concerns, violations and taken actions are reported to the board monthly.
2.1.3 - Training
Regular mandatory training is provided to all employees and subcontractors and related material is made available. To measure the overall effectiveness of the training, participants need to pass a Privacy test.
2.1.4 - Continuous development
Data privacy and security policy is regularly re-evaluated, developed, updated, communicated and implemented, enforcing mitigation of risk and ensuring, not only risk reduction, but also ongoing compliance with applicable laws, regulations, standards, and policies.
2.1.5 - Roles and responsibilities
Each Board Member and Senior Partner is responsible for making sure this company policy is communicated and implemented and that the employees within his/her area of responsibility are familiar with and comply with this data privacy and security policy.
All company employees and subcontractors are individually responsible for reading, understanding and following this company policy when it applies to their area of work responsibility. Each employee and subcontractor is also obliged to speak up and raise concerns about actual or possible violations of this company policy.
3.1 - Standards
We only work with employees and subcontractor who are located within EU/EEA and have high ethical standards, understanding of data privacy and security and are compliant with all applicable data protection laws and regulations. We always have a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) in place with them.
3.2 - Our selection process
When selecting a potential subcontractor or partner who will be a sub-processor of our client’s personal data, we follow these steps:
- Review their company Data privacy and security policies
- Check they have employees and subcontractors only within EU/EEA
Interview with the potential subcontractor or partner to identify
- their data privacy and security knowledge, understanding and approach
- compliance with all applicable data protection laws and regulations
- values, moral and ethics
- Check references and examples of data privacy and security implementation
- Check with current Corporate Tribe clients for any conflicting issues for selecting this subcontractor or partner
- Agree on regular security and privacy reviews
- Sign a DPA
In rare case of a personal data breach, we notify the data subject or Corporate Tribe admin without delay and no later than within 48h of possible personal data breach.
4.1 - Personal data breach can be related to
- Confidentiality breach
- When wrong people have had access to data they should not have access to
- When email is sent to a wrong person containing some data they should not see
- Availability breach
- When user will have limited access to the personal data they need to see
- Integrity breach
- When data has somehow been corrupted or changed
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